I have two approaches to photography: prowling about with a camera, hoping to snap someone or something interesting; and, visualising an image in my mind's eye and working out how to create it. These approaches are interrelated and evolutionary. Serendipity inspires creativity and digital image processing bridge's the gap between chance and thoughtfulness.
My interests are broadly split between composite images and portraiture. Both can be artistic and evoke an emotional response but the former is less to do with replication and more visceral than its components.
In a world saturated - daily - with countless photographic images, there is arguably less to say artistically about people or places. There is a need to find new ways to express our feelings about what we see through the lens. Drawing on inspiration found in abstract art, expressionism and surrealism, composite images can be created which are unique and inimitable.
With portraiture, images can be creative or simply representational. I take some comfort in the thought that even simple street portraits are unique. My website www.denizensofdeal.com  documents a street portrait project I began at the beginning of 2023. It provides a photographic insight into the lives of the people of the town of Deal in Kent.

My Hands Drawing (After MC Escher)

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